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ご挨拶 Greetings

Region 14 Advisor

Marcie Gansler


I do not believe it’s an exaggeration to say that the evaluation portion of a Toastmasters meeting is the most important part of the meeting. Not only are we giving feedback to our fellow club members on their prepared speeches, we are also honing our own skills in critical thinking, speech organization, and how to gently and constructively evaluate others. These skills are necessary in our every day lives, regardless of what field one finds oneself in. Practicing my feedback skills through Toastmasters evaluations has definitely helped me become a better speaker, and also to be better at my job (I’m a teacher!), and it can help you, too!

D76 Program Quality Director

Naoki Yoshino


「直樹さん、美しい物語をどうもありがとう。あなたは話の一部を忘れたけど、メッセージははっきり理解できました。あなたが将来、素晴らしいStorytellerになることを確信しているわ。」そして彼女は、状況に応じて声のトーンを変えた方良いと手本を示してくれました。やる気を取り戻した私は、同じスピーチを何度も練習し、次回の例会ではBest Speakerとなったのです。言葉には力があります。そして、論評はスピーカーそしてメンバーの可能性を広げることも、殺すこともできるのです。ぜひ、論評フェスティバルを通して、論評について学び直し、トーストマスターズ をより素晴らしい学びの場としていきましょう。


“What is the unforgettable evaluation for you?”One day I was delivering the speech as the first project of the story telling manual. The title was “Stonecutter.” A stonecutter was unsatisfied with his current life as a stonecutter and admired someone else. He became a king, the sun, a cloud, the mountain, and finally returned to be the stonecutter and realized the importance of being himself. However, I forgot a part of story and couldn’t deliver it well. So I was strongly ashamed of myself right after the speech.At that time the evaluator was a professional storyteller and an educator. Still I can’t forget her evaluation. She said, “Naoki sir, thank you so much for your beautiful story. Though you forgot a part of the story, I could clearly understand your message. I’m very sure you will be a great storyteller in the future.” Then she suggested me to change the tone of voice depending on the situation by demonstrating an example. I was motivated a lot and practiced the same speech again and again. As a result I became the best speaker in the next meeting.Words have power. And your evaluation can change people’s lives and inspire our members. Let’s relearn the evaluation and make Toastmasters a greater place for the learning!

Evaluation Festival japanese chair

Kazuyuki Hosaka






The Evaluations at our meetings are an important part of Toastmasters’ educational program, which makes us unique.

We listen to the speeches and express how and why we feel, and suggest how to make them better. An evaluation is peer and honest feedback. Evaluations are all equal. This is what we’d like to emphasize during the evaluation festival, where we can learn, notice, and appreciate each other’s idea. Why don’t you share your feelings and ideas with us? We’re looking forward to seeing you !

Evaluation Festival English chair

Emi Maruyama


例えば、同僚のプレゼンにアドバイスする時にも、良いところを認めて、「でも、私なら…」と私が改善したらよいと思うところと具体的な提案をすること、これを自然体で自信をもってできるのは、トーストマスターズ での例会での論評のおかげです。言葉で相手に勇気と自信を与えることをこの論評フェスティバルを通じて、共に学んでいきましょう。

I feel that communication skills which I’ve learned by evaluation are very useful in my daily life.
For example, when I give advice to my coworker’s presentation, I recognize good points and I point out the room for improvements and share the specific alternative way. I can do this naturally because of experience of evaluation in the regular meetings. Let’s learn how to give encouragement and self-confidence  to speakers through this Evaluation Festival.

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